About Us

A Little Background About Greg and Ruth
Sometime between 2004 and 2007, we met as undergraduate students at Boston College, where we were both involved in campus ministry and found opportunities to travel for study abroad and service.  When we got married in 2009, we knew that faith and travel would both continue to be important parts of our lives.  From short trips to visit friends and family in other parts of the States to relaxing vacations and sightseeing adventures internationally, we've had a great time to date.  This summer, we have been blessed with a longer period of time during which to have an adventure.  We kicked things off by accompanying a group of high school students on a service trip to the Working Boys Center in Quito, Ecuador (see the "Donations for our Miles" page for more information).  Now, this blog will chronicle the second part of our summer travels.

Summer Adventure 2012
27 days; 400 miles; 2 backpackers.  On June 28, we're taking off for Spain for 5 weeks, the vast majority of which time we'll spend hiking the Camino Ignaciano from Loyola to Manresa (see the "History" page for some background information about this route).  When we learned that we would have time for a big trip this summer, we kept coming back to the idea of doing a camino.  Certainly, we considered doing the popular Camino Santiago, also in northern Spain, which Greg has been particularly interested in since college.  But then, we remembered having heard some passing comments about a Jesuit camino; a quick google search led us to a website with all sorts of details (Camino Ignaciano Organization).  Since we've both been educated at Jesuit institutions (Greg at Marquette University High School and BC, Ruth at BC), this particular camino seemed perfect for us.  Not only will we follow the physical route that St. Ignatius walked from Loyola to Manresa, but the organization's website has mapped out Ignatius' spiritual exercises for each day of the trek.  Following months of planning, organizing, REI shopping, and physical training, we're ready to be on our way.

We welcome your prayers and comments on our blog posts, and we can't wait to reconnect with family and friends when we return to the States in August!


  1. Am following your pilgrimage through your emails and blog from Brisbane, Australia.
    Blessings over your travels.

  2. Dear Greg and Ruth,

    Wishing you many blessings in your pilgrimage. It is inspiring to read your experiences, and it reminds me of the wonderful experience that I too had last year in Loyola during Magis2011 program organized by the Jesuits.
    Have a wonderful pilgrimage!


  3. Greg & Ruth,

    Have a safe and blessed pilgrimage along the Camino Ignaciano. Mom and I will be praying for you throughout your trip. I will follow the same spiritual exercises you are following each day.

    Good luck,

  4. We met last year on July 31 at Manresa Church.We are interested in doing Caminoignaciano in 2014 with a group of Jesuit followers from South Florida.
    I just read your story in the CaminoIgnaciano.
    My email: ijabellacpa@aol.com
    Ignacio J Abella

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