Donations for our Miles

The Working Boys Center (Centro del Muchacho Trabajador), located in Quito, Ecuador, is an incredible Catholic organization that Greg and Ruth have become connected with over the years.  Back in 2003, Greg traveled to the WBC for the first time with a Marquette University High School service trip - those few weeks dramatically impacted his life such that he chose to return to the WBC in 2006 as part of his college study abroad experience.  Now in 2012, Greg and Ruth have just returned from another trip to the WBC, this time because Ruth was one of the chaperones on the Divine Savior Holy Angels HS service trip.  We are really excited about the work that this organization is doing, one day and one family at a time, in Quito.  We would love for you to learn more about the work that happens at the WBC - here's a little background from the organization's website:

"We are a Catholic institution, committed to working boys and their families, founded with the objective of creating, developing and strengthening moral values by means of changes in attitudes and behavior, helped by programs of formation and social assistance. This process of change stresses ten important areas of life: loyalty, personal formation, family, religion, education, economy, work, recreation, health and housing.

"Our goal is that the families of the working boys will be united in their Christian commitment, be financially independent, have access to education, health and quality basic services; become agents of change, oriented to the construction of a just society that promotes equal participation and respect for fundamental rights."
If you have any interest in supporting our trek on the Camino Ignaciano, we would love for funds to be contributed to the WBC.  This organization works hard each year to raise money for its budget and other special projects, so every donation, no matter how big or small makes a difference!
Donations can be made here.

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